Kentucky Society of Architects Political Action Committee
Tony Kleyer, AIA - Chairman
486 Lamaster Lane
Simpsonville, KY 40067
How are PAC funds used and what purpose do PAC disbursements serve?
PAC contributions are made fundamentally for three reasons:
What is the Kentucky Society of Architects Political Action Committee?
A political action committee, or PAC, is the most effective political tool available to Kentucky Architects and AIA components. The KSA-PAC allows Kentucky Architects to voluntarily band together to express support for legislators and candidates who have taken or likely will take positions that are compatible with the profession's interests. The PAC's purpose is to collect and distribute campaign contributions. But unlike personal or individual contributions, a check from a PAC carries a clear message on behalf of a large number of people, in our case the entire architectural profession. KSA-PAC provides financial support to candidates running for the Kentucky State Senate and House of Representatives seats. It is a non-partisan political action committee and exists through the voluntary contributions of people like you. The Pac does not support federal or local elections.
Why is the KSA-PAC important to Kentucky Architects?
A PAC allows architects to combine financial resources and express collective interests of the profession in ways not possible with individual contributions.